- climate change
- average and extremes of temperature
- extent of sea ice cover
- glaciers (loss)
- seawater freshening effects
- ozone cover
- hurricanes and typhoons
- tornadoes
- floods
- drought
- ocean currents
- jet stream
- sunspots
- el nino la nina
- desertification
- seismology - earthquake probability and scale
- wind patterns
- hydrology: precipitation, seasonal storage, evaporation, soil moisture retentiond
- dams, silting rates, level drops, overflows, hydroelectric generation, dam lifetime remaining
- storm surge impacts
- sea level rise
- coastal water table salinization
- coastal land loss
- northwest passage
- species diversity
- species significance, indicators
- salmon
- goshawks
- osprey
- eagles
- hawks
- frogs
- foxes
- butterflies and moths
- wolves
- bears
- badgers
- deer
- possums
- raccoons
- coyotes
- bees
- migratory birds
- kelp
- mangrove
- coral
- hippos
- whales
- dolphin
- least tern
- belding's savannah sparrow
- california gnatcatcher
- gorilla
- elephant
- tiger
- cheetah
- air quality
- fresh water quality
- soil structure
- soil salinity
- mineral substrates
- runoff pollution
- land usage patterns
- forest canopy
- grazing types, damage, and range reductions
- soil exhaustion, rehabilitation
- arable land distribution
- erosion patterns: wind, water, farming methods
- fossil water usage, aquifer level drops
- desertification
- invasive species
- water use competition
- ocean chemistry
- ocean fish
- forest cover
- agricultural types
- invasive pests
- methane generation
- domestic stock types
- landfill methane recovery
- predators of domestic stock
- agricultural delivery to market
- organic farming
- grains
- truck farming crops
- fruit orchards
- forest species diversity or monoculture
- forestry practices
- commercial fisheries
- human populations
- religions
- violence
- nations
- cities
- freedom of expression
- press freedom
- information transparency
- public libraries
- educational infrastructure
- exploitations
- class conflict
- skills and education
- public health
- life expectancy
- shelter types: own, rent, squat, public transient
- housing stock and cost
- residence patterns
- population migrations
- generation of toxics and effects
- industrial safety, illnesses
- political system types
- policing practices
- legislative responsiveness
- civil rights
- election system and political competition
- conflict patterns
- regional relations
- treaties, trade agreements,
- ngos, pacs,
- employment (SOC - standard occupational codes)
- electric power system and power distribution
- employment levels, patterns
- industry types - scale, emerging, dying (NASIC code)
- industry sectors - extractive, manufacturing, retail, service
- food - availability, quality, vulnerability, transport
- taxation
- black swan threats
- energy use, efficiency
- solar energy potential, technology, hazards
- wind energy potential, technology, hazards
- hydro energy potential, technology, hazards
- alternative energy subsidy programs
- coal and oil contribution and pollution
- nuclear energy contribution and risk
- nuclear decommisioning costs
- pollution types and levels
- CO2 generation
- people transport methods
- cars
- railroads
- shipping - air, maritime, rail, truck, cart
- oil price, and extractive cost ratio